Hot Sauce Exclusive: Dani Canada

Not only will you find delicious food on this blogger’s blog, but you’ll also get an insider’s view of the city’s top hangout spots. Food blogger Dani Canada’s content is community-focused, with an emphasis on local small businesses. She has lived in Charlotte for over ten years and additionally describes herself as a fan of “all things bright, sparkling, joyful, and positive vibes.”

Charlotte’s food scene has been rapidly developing in the last 10 years. Canada shares her views on a lot of different restaurants that are booming in the city. She points out what can be improved in the city’s food scene and its impact on the community as well.

Check out this clip as she covers all the essential tips that will make your blogging journey a breeze. Take it from the expert herself as she teaches us how to start a food blog that drives clicks and attracts audiences. Remember, all you need is some dedication, interest, and a little bit of guidance.